
Did you know?

  • Right now, approximately 80% of the flowers sold in the U.S. at floral shops, grocery stores, through FTD and online come from outside the country. Mostly from Ecuador, Colombia, Thailand and Kenya.

  • Flowers flown in from these other countries are heavily sprayed with chemicals during the growing process and typically again before being placed on a cargo jet set for the U.S.

  • These flowers are out of water for up to a week while in boxes and experience the stress of the shipping process.

  • The workers at the flower farms in these countries are paid low wages and many have reported work related, serious illnesses.


Why do local flowers matter?

  • Flower farmers have a love for the land and for the flowers. They want to hand over only the best blooms to you, the customer.

  • Farm fresh flowers are harvested directly into buckets and the blooms are never deprived of water.

  • Local flowers are usually grown organically or with very minimal chemicals.

  • Imported flowers simply can’t compare to the natural look, feel, movement and fragrance that locally grown flowers have to offer.